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The project's repository is archived as part of the GitHub Archive Program. RogueLibs' code and the documentation will no longer be updated.

Направляемые способности

Делаем способности направляемыми

Просто реализуйте интерфейс IAbilityTargetable в классе вашей способности:

public class MyTargetableAbility : CustomAbility, IAbilityTargetable
public PlayfieldObject FindTarget() { /* ... */ }

FindTarget определяет ближайшую цель, на которой можно использовать способность. Индикатор способности будет отображён над этим объектом. Если способность не может быть использована сейчас, возвращайте null.

Потом вы можете использовать CurrentTarget в любом из методов:

    public override void OnPressed()
if (CurrentTarget is null)
gc.audioHandler.Play(Owner, "CantDo");
/* ... */


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

namespace RogueLibsCore.Test
public class Hug : CustomAbility, IAbilityTargetable
public static void Setup()
.WithName(new CustomNameInfo("Hug"))
.WithDescription(new CustomNameInfo("Sneak up behind people. And HUG THEM!!"))
.WithUnlock(new AbilityUnlock { UnlockCost = 5, CharacterCreationCost = 5 });

RogueLibs.CreateCustomName("HugNegative1", NameTypes.Dialogue, new CustomNameInfo("Huh? What are you doing?"));
RogueLibs.CreateCustomName("HugNegative2", NameTypes.Dialogue, new CustomNameInfo("Excuse me?!"));
RogueLibs.CreateCustomName("HugNegative3", NameTypes.Dialogue, new CustomNameInfo("Stop it!"));
RogueLibs.CreateCustomName("HugPositive1", NameTypes.Dialogue, new CustomNameInfo("Oh.. Thanks."));
RogueLibs.CreateCustomName("HugPositive2", NameTypes.Dialogue, new CustomNameInfo("Um.. Okay.."));
RogueLibs.CreateCustomName("HugPositive3", NameTypes.Dialogue, new CustomNameInfo("?.."));
RogueLibs.CreateCustomName("HugForgive1", NameTypes.Dialogue, new CustomNameInfo("Oh.. Okay, I forgive you."));
RogueLibs.CreateCustomName("HugForgive2", NameTypes.Dialogue, new CustomNameInfo("Alright, I forgive you."));
RogueLibs.CreateCustomName("HugForgive3", NameTypes.Dialogue, new CustomNameInfo("Okay... Don't worry about that.."));

public override void OnAdded() { }
public PlayfieldObject? FindTarget()
Agent? closest = null;
float distance = float.MaxValue;
foreach (Agent agent in Owner!.interactionHelper.TriggerList
.Where(static go => go.CompareTag("AgentSprite"))
.Select(static go => go.GetComponent<ObjectSprite>().agent))
if (!huggedList.Contains(agent) && !agent.dead && !agent.ghost && !Owner.ghost && !agent.hologram
&& agent.go.activeSelf && !agent.mechFilled && !agent.mechEmpty)
float dist = Vector2.Distance(Owner.curPosition, agent.curPosition);
if (dist < distance)
closest = agent;
distance = dist;
return closest;
private readonly List<Agent> huggedList = new List<Agent>();
public override void OnPressed()
if (CurrentTarget is null)
gc.audioHandler.Play(Owner, VanillaAudio.CantDo);
Agent target = (Agent)CurrentTarget;
int rnd = new System.Random().Next(3) + 1;

relStatus code = target.relationships.GetRelCode(Owner);
if (code is relStatus.Friendly or relStatus.Submissive)
target.SayDialogue("HugPositive" + rnd);
target.relationships.SetRel(Owner, "Loyal");
else if (code == relStatus.Loyal)
target.SayDialogue("HugPositive" + rnd);
target.relationships.SetRel(Owner, "Aligned");
else if (code == relStatus.Aligned)
target.SayDialogue("HugPositive" + rnd);
else if (code == relStatus.Neutral)
target.SayDialogue("HugNegative" + rnd);
target.relationships.SetRel(Owner, "Annoyed");
target.relationships.SetStrikes(Owner, 2);
gc.audioHandler.Play(target, VanillaAudio.AgentAnnoyed);
else if (code == relStatus.Annoyed)
target.SayDialogue("HugForgive" + rnd);
target.relationships.SetRel(Owner, "Neutral");
else if (code == relStatus.Hostile)
target.relationships.SetStrikes(Owner, 0);
gc.audioHandler.Play(target, VanillaAudio.AgentOK);

The project's repository is archived as part of the GitHub Archive Program. RogueLibs' code and the documentation will no longer be updated.