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Melee Weapons*

Melee weapons are realy complicated. But, thankfully, RogueLibs takes care of the most difficult part — patching. So, all you have to do is to create a class deriving from CustomWeaponMelee. I've spent hundreds of hours patching the melee weapons code, and managed to condense all of it into a single class. It's ridiculous how overcomplicated and wet Matt's code is.


Vanilla Weapons Reference

The vanilla weapon stats can be summarized in the table below:

TypeCDSpeedAnimation(offset), (size)*Knock forceSound
Fist-based15Melee-Punch(0, 0), (0.16, 0.16)20 (40 fist)SwingWeaponFist
1-handed stab15Melee-Knife(0, -0.02), (0.16, 0.36)40SwingWeaponSmall
1-handed swing15Melee-SwingShort(0, -0.02), (0.16, 0.36)80SwingWeaponLarge
2-handed swing14Melee-SwingShort(0, -0.02), (0.16, 0.36)80SwingWeaponLarge
Duster (1-Swing)02Melee-Dust(0, 0), (0, 0)0ButlerBotClean

* The hitboxes may vary with a weapon, see below.

TypeWeapon(offset), (size)
Fist-basedFist(0, 0), (0.16, 0.16)
Fist-basedChloroform Hankie(0, 0), (0.16, 0.16)
Fist-basedSticky Glove(0, 0), (0.16, 0.16)
1-handed stabKnife(0, -0.02), (0.16, 0.36)
1-handed swingPoliceBaton(0, -0.02), (0.16, 0.36)
1-handed swingWrench(0, -0.04), (0.16, 0.32)
2-handed swingSledgehammer(0, -0.02), (0.16, 0.36)
2-handed swingCrowbar(0, -0.02), (0.16, 0.36)
2-handed swingPlasmaSword(0, -0.02), (0.16, 0.36)
2-handed swingAxe(0, -0.02), (0.16, 0.36)
2-handed swingBaseball Bat(0, -0.03), (0.16, 0.36)
2-handed swingSword(0, -0.03), (0.16, 0.36)
The project's repository is archived as part of the GitHub Archive Program. RogueLibs' code and the documentation will no longer be updated.