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The project's repository is archived as part of the GitHub Archive Program. RogueLibs' code and the documentation will no longer be updated.

Custom Name Providers

If you have some kind of a complicated localization logic, then you might want to create your own INameProvider. This way you can control what strings are returned by NameDB.GetName in a more generic way. You can even hook up your localization provider, if you don't like the localization system provided by RogueLibs.

INameProvider interface

Just create a class implementing INameProvider and add it to RogueFramework:

public class MyNameProvider : INameProvider
public void GetName(string name, string type, ref string? result)
if (name.StartsWith("fake_"))
string sub = name.Substring("fake_".Length);
result = LanguageService.NameDB.GetName(sub, type);

If the original NameDB.GetName returned an error string (with E_ prefix), result is set to null.

RogueFramework.NameProviders.Add(new MyNameProvider());

Here's a more practical and useful example, that is already implemented in RogueLibs:

public class DialogueNameProvider : INameProvider
public void GetName(string name, string type, ref string? result)
if (result is null && type == "Dialogue" && name.StartsWith("NA_"))
string sub = name.Substring("NA_".Length);
string newResult = LanguageService.NameDB.GetName(sub, type);
if (!newResult.StartsWith("E_")) result = newResult;

Normally, the game looks for dialogue names of the following format: <AgentName>_<DialogueName>. If such a name doesn't exist, then NA_<DialogueName> (NA - No Agent) is used instead. This name provider will also look for a name with just the dialogue name. This allows the developers to write dialogue names without that annoying and often confusing NA_ prefix.

The project's repository is archived as part of the GitHub Archive Program. RogueLibs' code and the documentation will no longer be updated.