Targetable Items
Custom items can be made targetable by implementing the IItemTargetable
interface. You can define what kind of objects, agents, items on the ground, projectiles or whatever, your item is compatible with, what happens when you use the item on that thing, and what text to display under the mouse cursor when hovering over something.
Making items targetable
Just implement the IItemTargetable
interface in your item's class:
public class MyTargetableItem : CustomItem, IItemTargetable
public bool TargetFilter(PlayfieldObject target) { /* ... */ }
public bool TargetObject(PlayfieldObject target) { /* ... */ }
public CustomTooltip TargetCursorText(PlayfieldObject target) { /* ... */ }
determines what objects will be highlighted, when using the current item.
uses the current item on the target. The return value indicates whether it was a success or not. You can play a "CantDo"
sound and make the player say something, if the item cannot be used. Returning true
will also play an animation.
determines the text under the cursor when hovering over the specified object. Text
set to null
will default to "Use", and Color
set to null
will default to
- SPYTRON 3000
SPYTRON 3000 from Team Fortress 2. Makes you look like the selected person and copies their relationships.
namespace RogueLibsCore.Test
[ItemCategories(RogueCategories.Social, RogueCategories.Stealth,
RogueCategories.Technology, RogueCategories.Usable)]
public class SPYTRON3000 : CustomItem, IItemTargetable
public static void Setup()
.WithName(new CustomNameInfo("SPYTRON 3000"))
.WithDescription(new CustomNameInfo("Always wanted to be someone else? Now you can!"))
.WithUnlock(new ItemUnlock
UnlockCost = 10,
LoadoutCost = 2,
CharacterCreationCost = 3,
Prerequisites = { VanillaItems.BodySwapper },
DisguiseCursorText = RogueLibs.CreateCustomName("Disguise", NameTypes.Interface, new CustomNameInfo("Disguise as"));
private static CustomName DisguiseCursorText = null!;
public override void SetupDetails()
Item.itemType = ItemTypes.Tool;
Item.itemValue = 40;
Item.initCount = 2;
Item.rewardCount = 3;
Item.stackable = true;
Item.goesInToolbar = true;
public bool TargetFilter(PlayfieldObject target) => target is Agent a && a != Owner;
public bool TargetObject(PlayfieldObject targetObj)
if (!TargetFilter(targetObj)) return false;
Agent target = (Agent)targetObj;
string prev = Owner!.agentName;
Owner.agentName = target.agentName;
foreach (Relationship rel in target.relationships.RelList)
Relationship otherRel = rel.agent.relationships.GetRelationship(target);
Owner.relationships.SetRel(rel.agent, rel.relType);
Owner.relationships.SetRelHate(rel.agent, 0);
Owner.relationships.GetRelationship(rel.agent).secretHate = rel.secretHate;
Owner.relationships.GetRelationship(rel.agent).mechHate = rel.mechHate;
rel.agent.relationships.SetRel(Owner, otherRel.relType);
rel.agent.relationships.SetRelHate(Owner, 0);
rel.agent.relationships.GetRelationship(Owner).secretHate = otherRel.secretHate;
rel.agent.relationships.GetRelationship(Owner).mechHate = otherRel.mechHate;
target.relationships.SetRel(Owner, "Hateful");
target.relationships.SetRelHate(Owner, 25);
Owner.agentName = prev;
Owner.gc.audioHandler.Play(Owner, VanillaAudio.Spawn);
Owner.gc.spawnerMain.SpawnParticleEffect("Spawn",, 0f);
return true;
public CustomTooltip TargetCursorText(PlayfieldObject? _) => DisguiseCursorText;